Experience the Power of Guided Imagery
Energize ♦ Enrich ♦ Elevate

About the Material…And You

35051580 - compass with needle pointing the word opportunity, concept image to illustrate business opportunities and strategy.In 1983 The Sunnyside Foundation was created as a private educational non-profit 501(c)3 organization to sponsor the Spectra Dynamics Seminar, Gifting Your Child, the LEARN Program and advanced classes. These were presented at various times in Germany, Sweden, Canada and continuously in the United States from 1970 to 2010. The main topics included: Models of Development of the Mind, Maturation Cycles of the Mind for Children/Teens/ Adults, Sleep Cycles, Graph of States of Awareness, the Energy Cycle, Body Zones/ Body Language/ Effects of Verbal and Non-Verbal Language, Self-Image, Attitudes, Relationships, Resistance, Cultural Fears and Natural Laws. One of the natural laws states that our creativity is commensurate with our willingness to change… and so, the programs grew and changed too, from live seminars to online availability.

Self-Image-Success-Vol3It seems like every generation re-discovers this information in their own time, in their own way. In the 1970’s, it was new to talk about using the complementary nature of the conscious and subconscious mind to actually take charge of our own habits and beliefs, accelerate our own skills and talents. With advances in scientific instruments came insight into specialized characteristics unique to the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Measurement and knowledge of brainwaves pointed the way to research in how to use different levels of consciousness for different purposes. The method you learn on this website, called alpha relaxation, gives you the tools to explore practical ways to use the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual sides of your nature for a full and happy life.  

In 1995 the seminar name was changed to Progressive Spectra Dynamics to incorporate advances in brain research. Triune brain research through the National Institute of Health revealed that we have neural structures that can interact together as a unit to give us executive decision-making power (neocortex), the innate ability to form relationships/emotional bonds (limbic) and survival instincts (R-system). When the more primitive systems are in charge, the bulk of our reasoning idles along while we focus on our survival needs.  However,  our instincts and emotions can be developed to be in service to our highest inclinations, to live life in accordance with the best of our humanity.

Technically,  alpha relaxation utilizes the parasympathetic nervous system to restore calmness and a state of homeostasis; in other words, it calms the emotions and instinctive reactions to reset the system.

Dynamic-Health21st Century brain research leads us to a better understanding of how our brains reorganize, make new connections and seek change through neuroplasticity. The field of epigenetics gives us insight into factors that might turn on or turn off the expression of certain genes in the DNA, and perhaps most importantly, assures us that our genes do not have to be our destiny… it is not nature or nurture, it is both nature and nurture. What we do intentionally to nurture ourselves makes a difference.

In 2015 Presence of Mind was created to publish the essence of all of this research, investigation and practice online to sincere, self-motivated individuals – we joyfully offer them to YOU!

Word Cloud HeadshotAbout the Audio Programs… and YOU

These audio relaxation programs are the practices that evolved through the decades.  They are time-tested over 3 generations and highly effective. By using these programs, you are using:

1) progressive relaxation
2) imagery, visualization & symbolism
3) properly phrased positive affirmations/intention
4) effective stress management
5) awareness of levels of consciousness/presence of mind

These sessions create time just for YOU… time to experience different levels of awareness… time to energize physically… ideas to enrich your perception of yourself…  and elevate awareness to discover the highest within. You may not be able to take a vacation right now, but in your mind you can!


What do YOU get by using these audio programs?

  • A  sense of relaxed awareness
  • Quiet alertness
  • A sense of being present in the moment
  • Taking charge of your life with surety and certainty
  • Balance
  • Simultaneous awareness of internal and external status
  • Blending the physical-mental-emotional-spiritual sides of you

We simply call this Presence of Mind.


What can YOU do with these tools?

  • Tame tension
  • Build a wholesome self image
  • Excel personally and professionally
  • Enhance health on all levels
  • Prosper and thrive
  • Embrace  more rewarding relationships
  • Accelerate goals
  • Deepen insights
  • Release the negative past
  • Cultivate or change your attitude
  • Manage difficult people and situations with poise
  • Enjoy self-discovery and personal growth  
  • Experience peace of mind, a sense of well-being and happiness