Experience the Power of Guided Imagery
Energize ♦ Enrich ♦ Elevate

I moved from one state to another after my mother passed on. I had been with her and took care of her off and on during her illness for twelve years. I met a person who had studied and worked with this material and we went to lunch. As I told my new contact about my thoughts and memories, the tremendous sadness surfaced again.
Before I moved, I had broken up with a man whom I loved very much. The loss of both relationships was agonizing…very painful. I began working with this material and I never grieved in the same way again.
The grief was replaced by peace of mind and a deep level of healing.

Lucia W.

My brother died when he was 2 ½ years old; I was only six. As I worked with this program, I realized that not only had I experienced my own grief but I also absorbed that of my parents. As I used this program, I found both release and relief. I feel a new lightness that I can bring to
more enthusiasm for each day. Thank you!

Marie H.

When I was in my 40’s my husband died. My teenager and I had a rough time. We had no family living in state near us. I scrambled to deal with day-to-day details. I figured out what to do but nothing felt “right,” kind of like being a 3 legged horse. Grief came in waves. My world seemed to have lost its color. Everything was gray. I felt like I’d fallen through a crack in the sidewalk and disappeared into another kind of world. This material helped make sense of what I was experiencing. I found the grief gradually receding and dissipating. Instead of being overwhelmed I began to feel more like I floated through it. I recovered my balance and both my teenager and I moved into a new, peaceful life.

Cindy H.

I used this material when my husband passed on. I found that it helped me to keep the best memories and leave the rest behind.

Les G.

I sent this to 2 friends. One’s husband died. She said if death can be compared to crossing an ocean to another shore, she felt like she swam all the way across with him. She thanked me for giving her help in dealing with her grief. The other friend lost a child. I find it quite remarkable for how gracefully she is moving through what is an extraordinarily difficult time.

Judy C.

I got this for a friend out of state. I couldn’t be with her. It felt like it was something I could do to help.

Bill W.