Experience the Power of Guided Imagery
Energize ♦ Enrich ♦ Elevate

Gifting Your Child:  Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Why are you using original fairy tales?
A: The original fairy tales that have been selected have Universal values
embedded in their symbolism. These assist parents in transmitting values which
have withstood the test of time, values shared with all people, everywhere…the
distinct honor of being called HUMAN BEINGS.

Q: Aren’t the original fairy tales violent?
A: Fairy tales were written with messages on many different levels. At the child’s
level, the fairy tales give examples of how to do the “right” thing as well as the
consequences of doing the “wrong” thing or “taking the easy way out.” And the
villain gets exactly what he or she deserves! Children intuitively understand the
lessons being imparted at each age level. As they get older, both the logic and the
values build layers of complexity from the foundations provided by the fairy tales.

Q: Fairy tales have been around for a long time so why is the world still a mess?
A: Yes, fairy tales have been around and sometimes they have been shared with
children in a loving, supportive way. Sometimes parents are tired and know they
SHOULD spend time with their child and so they reluctantly read a story. The child
picks up the message “I am not important, but I’ll take what I can get.” Sometimes
parents pick out a point in the story to emphasize, some lesson they want the
child to learn. This completely destroys the content of the story for the child.
Immediately they believe they are being taken – not in a conscious way, but
unconsciously. One of the fine points of storytelling is that you allow the audience
to take from the story the material applicable to each person listening.

Q: What if I haven’t heard very many fairy tales. Does that say anything about my
value system?
A: No, it simply means that you picked up the values you needed as you
experienced life. Your parents were role models and you noticed what was
excellent about them and incorporated those values into your life. Why can’t any
child do the same thing? They can. Except that people many times do not
understand how the brain works and the messages they think they are
transmitting by using the verbal approach are not the ones the child is picking up.
Many parents assume because they are grown up that they have special privileges
and that children are supposed to know they cannot do such things.
For example parents use these approaches: swearing, anger, yelling,
walking out, withdrawal, ignoring, drugs, alcohol, food, complaints,
blaming, sexual release, breaking things, lying, door slamming.
If a child attempted to use any of the above, the parent would be horrified.
Children learn from the experience of living with you. How you handle things is
exactly how they will handle things. UNLESS it is highly destructive, then they
devise other methods to avoid the pain associated with your choice. Fairy tales
reinforce choosing a positive value system to help them succeed in life.

Q: Can’t I just read fairy tales to my child whenever I have time and get exactly
the results you claim?
A: Absolutely. When a parent wishes to be open and loving with a child, that
loving time enhances your relationship. In today’s world, parents are often so
stressed with both parents working and a million things to do around the house
just to keep the household in some semblance of order that when they do sit
down with the child, all the anxiety sems to flood out. YOUR CHILD IS PICKING UP
ON THAT STRESS AND ANXIETY. Because you do not verbalize it does not mean
that the little person beside you is oblivious to it. Right along with the story comes
the unwanted baggage.

Q: Then parents are going to be sending messages to the child that prevent them
from being able to absorb the values from the fairy tales?
A: Exactly. Children perceive our moods. These audios were made to be relaxing.
They teach a child stress release and forgiveness of self within the content of the
story. They are used at bedtime with a preamble that allows the child to
experience quietness and a release of what may have concerned him/her during
the day. This way they learn to release stress each day so it doesn’t build up. Then
the story begins. The stories embody universal value systems. So ANY child can
benefit. The messages within the stories are explained in the parent download
that comes with the Gifting Your Child audios. You never explain them to the
child. The child gets them at her or his own level of development.

Q: Why can’t I just play the Disney fairy tales on TV?
A: You can. They are entertaining, colorful and engaging. Wouldn’t it be terrific if
children had the opportunity FIRST to imagine for themselves how the characters
looked, what the forest was like and the joy of seeing a happy ending in their
mind’s eye? TV programs offer secondhand experience. We have let television
and computers become our babysitters. They do not require that the child use her
or his own imagination. And what the child creates in his or her own mind
internalizes experiences in a way that is different than what TV provides.

Q: How are you suggesting using an audio fairy tale at night?
A: After the child completes his or her bedtime routine, tuck them in with a hug
and kiss good night and start the audio from the playlist. Play it softly on a tablet,
smart phone, etc. You can sit down quietly and listen with them until they nod off
or come back when it is finished. It gives parents the freedom to relax and have
time for themselves. And it gives children the freedom to choose to hear the
same favorite story a dozen or more times!

Q: Does using an audio fairy tale have anything to do with developing other skills?
A: Imagination opens the door to metaphor, scientific insight and invention.
Imagination makes it easier for a child to connect what they say with letters that
turn into words they read that later they use to write a creative story…perhaps a
great novel eventually. Imagination makes it easier to learn that the many blocks
on the floor equal a number that can be added, subtracted or regrouped mentally
and someday they may create a profitable investment strategy. A lively
imagination can even show up as a sense of humor that diffuses a confrontation
with a bully or in later years negotiates a peace treaty! Our world needs people
who can think out-of-the-box!

Q: Don’t they get enough stimulation from television, video games and now
online learning?
A: Because the imagination of a child must be stimulated regularly in the first
eleven years, isn’t it better to not leave this to chance? You can’t always control
what they are exposed to. Read when you feel relaxed and loving. Use the audio
every night otherwise and you can be sure your child is providing the brain with
the necessary positive stimulation for a future life of happiness and success.